
Beavers (6–8)

A Beaver Colony can have up to 24 Beaver Scouts and is split into smaller groups called Lodges. Beavers take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. A Beaver Scout meeting consists of a wide variety of activities with plenty of time spent outdoors – every activity undertaken is planned to contribute to gaining the most important badges leading to the ultimate goal of earning the Chief Scouts Bronze Award.

Have a look at our ‘Beaver News‘ to see some of the Activities our Beavers have been doing.

When you are introduced to the Leaders of the Beaver Colony you will find that they have names taken from the ‘Friends of the Forest’ book.

You can Click on the below links to see the Beaver Badges and Awards that can be achieved – and skills learnt to earn them!

AWARDS (Challenge Badges)


The Beaver Scout Promise

On joining a Beaver Scout Colony – All Beavers are Invested – this involves making a promise (there are different variants for various religions)

I promise to do my best,

To be kind and helpful,

and to love God

What next for your Scout Career ?

When a Beaver Scout turns 8 years old they are ready to move up to the Cubs Section